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Instance methods

createSafeActionClient creates an instance of the safe action client, which has the following methods:


actionClient.clone() => new SafeActionClient()

clone returns a new instance of the safe action client with the same initialization options and middleware functions as the original one. It is used to extend a base client with additional middleware functions. If you don't use clone when creating a new client, the middleware function list of the original one will be mutated and extended with the new ones, which is not desirable.


use<const ClientInput, const NextCtx>(middlewareFn: MiddlewareFn<ClientInput, Ctx, NextCtx>) => new SafeActionClient()

use accepts a middleware function of type MiddlewareFn as argument and returns a new instance of the safe action client with that middleware function added to the stack, that will be executed after the last one, if any. Check out how to use middleware in the related section of the usage guide.


metadata(data: ActionMetadata) => { schema() }

metadata expects an object of type ActionMetadata that lets you specify useful data about the safe action you're defining, and it returns the schema method, since metadata is action specific and not shared with other actions. As of now, the only data you can pass in is the actionName, but that could be extended in the future. You can then access it in the middlewareFn passed to use and in serverCodeFn passed to define.


schema<const S extends Schema>(schema: S) => { define(), bindArgsSchemas() }

schema accepts an input schema of type Schema (from TypeSchema), which is used to define the arguments that the safe action will receive, and returns the define and bindArgsSchemas methods, which allows you, respectively, to define a new action using that input schema or extend the arguments with additional bound ones.


bindArgsSchemas<const BAS extends Schema[]>(bindArgsSchemas: BAS) => { define() }

bindArgsSchemas accepts an array of bind input schemas of type Schema (from TypeSchema), which is used to define the bind arguments that the safe action will receive, and returns the define method, which allows you, to define a new action using the input and bind inputs schemas.


define<const Data = null>(serverCodeFn: ServerCodeFn<S, Data, Ctx>) => SafeActionFn<S, Data>

define is the final method in the list. It accepts a serverCodeFn of type ServerCodeFn and returns a new safe action function of type SafeActionFn, which can be called from your components.

When the action is executed, all middleware functions in the chain will be called at runtime, in the order they were defined.


serverCodeFn<S extends Schema, Data, Context> = (args: { parsedInput: Infer<S>, ctx: Context; metadata: ActionMetadata }) => Promise<Data>;

serverCodeFn is the async function that will be executed on the server side when the action is invoked. If input validation fails, or execution gets halted in a middleware function, the server code function will not be called.